
Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday, November 22, 2013

Today is National Cashew Day!  Cashews are delicious...Not only that, they are like little, personal crescent moons..

Get nutty today and grab a handful of cashews to celebrate National Cashew Day!


Thursday, November 21, 2013

November is....

Do you love pomegranates OR peanut butter?  Well then this is  your month!  It is National Pomegranate and Peanut Butter Lovers month!  Celebrate with flavor......

If you love pets and are thinking of adopting one, well then it is also National Pet Adoption Month.  So go ahead and reach out to our four-legged friends who are looking for a loving home to go to!  You might want to consider adopting a rescue pet OR visiting a local animal shelter!  Even if you aren't considering adopting, consider donating something to a local animal shelter: time, or pet food...

Anyway, celebrate this month with a jar of peanut butter, pomegranates and a shout out to those who work tirelessly to give rescue animals a good home.
